Incorporate investigation and reasoning skills

STAAR MASTER® for Science

Our STAAR MASTER® product line for Science is 100% aligned to the assessed TEKS and provides easily relatable practice and review material for the STAAR®. Students apply what they have learned during Science instruction while also building test-taking confidence. The Student Practice Books also incorporate investigation and reasoning skills into grade-level appropriate content and items.

Student Practice Book

PURPOSE: STAAR MASTER® Student Practice Books for Science are designed to provide high-quality targeted practice for the STAAR® in order to improve students’ knowledge and build test-taking confidence.

DESCRIPTION: STAAR MASTER® Student Practice Books for Science contain a large volume of items to provide students with repeated practice and real-world Science application scenarios. The items are 100% aligned to the assessed TEKS and address all STAAR®-eligible standards. Organized by Reporting Category, the work texts incorporate investigation and reasoning skills into grade-level appropriate content.

Grades 5 & 8, English
• Grade 5, Spanish


Teacher Guides

PURPOSE: STAAR MASTER® Teacher Guides are comprehensive resources that provide critical information and strategies for preparing students for the STAAR®.

DESCRIPTION: STAAR MASTER® Teacher Guides include an overview of their corresponding student work text, a master skills list, strategies for test preparation and instruction, and a complete answer key with suggested responses for open-ended activities.

A FREE Teacher Guide is included with each pack.
• Teacher Guides are not for individual sale.


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